The ProspectiveDoctor and Other Medical Podcasts
It has been my honor and privilege to be interviewed by several doctors on their medical podcasts. Each conversation has taken a slightly different direction, but all have touched me in some way. Please listen (or watch) and support the podcasts as they share information and support for doctors, patients, and all of us!
The latest recording to go live is the ProspectiveDoctor Podcast, where I was interviewed by Dr. Erkeda DeRouen. I shared advice for doctors who have to deliver bad news, talked about the power of silence, and highlighted some meaningful quotes from Stopped in My Tracks.
Listen to the episode Echoes of Courage: Insights from Cancer Patients on Podchaser or wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also watch the video of our conversation on YouTube.
Check out my Media page for more interviews on medical podcasts and in other exciting places. Stay tuned, as three more podcasts have recorded interviews with me and will be shared soon!